Entering into a communications and public relations career can be very rewarding. However, you will also spend a lot of time reading industry, national and local news in order to understand what you need to do to create a story that will impact readers. Of course, if you are new a new PR professional, then you are also going to want to spend some time away from the computer as you go about building your career. You need to build yourself a strong foundation to work from. With that being said, here are four ways to do just that:
1. Spend Time Networking Over Coffee
Identify other professionals within the public relations industry who have more experience than you and have already achieved success – the type of success that you would eventually like to achieve – and set up a time to sit down and have a cup of coffee with them. Over time, they may become a valuable mentor to you who can aid you in your own personal success and career growth.
2. Give Back to Your Local Community
Everyone has personal passions, such as feeding the homeless, reading to sick children in the hospital or gardening (even though this is a bit simpler). Find one or two of yours and locate local organizations that have ties to them and see if they will allow you to volunteer with them. This will allow you to build personal relationships within your community. Eventually, this will pay off significantly in the business department.
3. Explore Opportunities on Organization Boards
As a general rule, organizations within your community are going to have board openings for younger generations. These opportunities will allow you to get your foot in the door and gain access to some of the most prominent business leaders in the community who have the expertise and knowledge that you are hoping to gain in the future. These individuals are people that you normally would never have access to so early on in your career, so take advantage of the access and coordinate with them to further your career.
While it is true that you need access to your computer to do research and actually compose your public relations documents, you need to consider fostering your career growth and building your personal brand away from your computer. Whether you are an entry-level PR professional or a seasoned communications expert, the aforementioned three steps will allow you to do just that and a whole lot more. Contact a communication firm, like S & A Communications, for more help.
Share26 September 2017
When was the last time you really stopped to think about the businesses you frequent? Although it can seem like an inconsequential decision, the fact of the matter is that the businesses you work with each and every day can really impact your overall way of life. I wanted to create a better life for me and my kids, so I began thinking carefully about the places we worked with. We began focusing on visiting more locally owned and operated businesses, and it made a big impact. This blog is all about visiting better businesses and making them a part of your daily life.